Hi my sweet boy! I thought of you today. Like always. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of you. I know you are happy and healthy and running free with all the sweet dogs that went before you and after. I am sure Bailey is still missing you. She looks from room to room still. I think she is looking for you. We are both grieving. She isn't eating again. I worry about her. I can't believe on March 5th you will have been gone for 6 mos. It just seems like yesterday I was rubbing your sweet face as I was helping you to The Bridge. My sweet sweet boy. How I grieve for you. They say time heals all wounds. I don't think that is really true. My heart aches to touch you again. To hug you and to put my face in your fur. I long to see your sweet smile again. I can't wait to see you run to me when I join you. I can't wait to be with you again.
This is a short post. I just wanted you to know I am thinking about you....always. I love you Montana boy!
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Monday, February 20, 2012
Only One Video
The one and only video that I have of both Montana and Bailey together. This was taken at the Dog Park in Michigan on January 12, 2007.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Montana's Final Bill
Montana, I have been thinking a lot about you. Well....I think about you every day but it seems like most of my day is consumed with my thought of you. After 5 1/5 mos I finally had the nerve to look at the bill from the emergency vet. It spelled out everything. More then I really wanted to see. Of course I sobbed when I read it. This is what it said:
Beth Winchell
Name: Montana Species: Canine
Sex: Male, Neutered Breed: Siberian Husky
Deceased: 09-05-11 Age: D@9y
ID Rabies
Color: Black and White Weight 102.20lbs
Reminded: (none) Codes: D
Date By Code Description Qty (Variance)
09-05-11 JH 001 Emergency Exam Fee
Age: 9y Weight: 102.20 Temp: 106.00 Pulse 180.00
Other: mm - pale pink
Surgery to amputate tail last Wednesday. Has not eaten since. Was on Deramaxx and Tramadol. Vomiting dark brown fluid. Tonight panting, weak, lethargic. Dr. Harper on duty.
mm- pale pink, pulses thready. Chest - tachycardia, heart muffled. Abd - distended. Laterally recumbant, panting, very weak. Febrile.
Gastroduodenal Ulcer Disease
Sepsis and Bacteremia
Septic Shock
Acute Abdomen
I-Stat EC8+- See report; metabolic acidosis
Oxygen 5LPM via mask
IV placed, bolus 2L Norm-R, 300ml Hetastarch IV; pulses improved, HR decreased
U/S FAST - large amount of free fluid in abdomen - 1L of brown pus
removed via abdominocentesis
Cell counts - WBC 78K, TS - 3.8; cytology degenerate neutrophils and
pleomorphic bacteria. BG of fluid 45, Diagnosis - septic abdomen
(perforating ulcer?), septic shock
Discussed poor prognosis with owner, the need for immediate
and the risks associated.
Owner requested euthanasia
Euthasol 15mg IV1005 Informed Consent
HETA Hetastarch (HES) 6% 300
NORMR Normosol -R 1000ml
611 IV Extension Set
601 IV Catheter & 1st Bag Fluids
EFFUSION Automated Cell Counts - Effusions
GLUCOME Blood Glucose - Glucometer
420 I-Stat EC8+
USFAST Ultrasound F.A.S.T. Exam
117 Abdominocentesis
OXY5 Oxygen per minute @ 5 lpm 15
ACUTEAB Acute Abdomen
D1016 Septic Shock
D6058 Sepsis and Bacteremia
1112 Euthanasia
EUTH Euthasol 390mg/ml 15
1110 Ashes Returned: 100-140#
FOR: Beth Winchell Printed: 09-05-11 at 4:25am
Date: 09-05-11
Account: 34720
Invoice: 62944
Date For Qty Description Net Price
09-05-11 Montana 1 Emergency Exam Fee 82.00
09-09-11 1 Informed Consent 0.00
09-05-11 300 Hetastarch (HES) 6% 69.00
09-05-11 1 Normosol-R 1000ml 38.00
09-05-11 1 IV ExtensionSet 16.00
09-05-11 1 IV Catheter & 1st Bag Fluids 86.00
09-05-11 1 Automated Cell Counts - Effusions 50.50
09-05-11 1 Blood Glucose - Glucometer 12.50
09-05-11 1 I-Stat EC8+ 53.55
09-05-11 1 Ultrasound F.A.S.T. Exam 92.00
09-05-11 1 Abdominocentisis 60.00
09-05-11 15 Oxygen per minute @5 lpm 2.25
09-05-11 1 Euthanasia 55.00
We are truly very sorry for your loss
09-05-11 15 Euthasol 390mg/ml 20.40
09-05-11 1 Ashes Returned 100-140# 250.00
09-05-11 Care Credit -887.20
Old Balance Charges Payments New balance
0.00 887.20 887.20 0.00
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Montana and Dakota
My sweet boy, Montana, had just had is tail operated on in May 2009 and this was July 2009. His hair was still growing back in this video. Montana very rarely would howl or woo. This video shows one of those rare moments.
I miss you baby boy!
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